A Closet Full of Confidence: My Journey to Becoming a Wardrobe Stylist

Here We Go!

As I am finally sitting down at my computer to write my first ever “blog,” I’m starting to sweat. I’m not sure if this is related to my recently developing menopausal hot flashes or because I’ve never actually written a blog post and therefore I’m feeling a bit anxious.  Since I’m a big believer in just jumping right in and doing it…even if it is outside your comfort zone…here goes. 

What I’m about to tell you is actually very much in alignment with my styling philosophy and the message I’m working on driving home to all women.  I was recently interviewed/featured in a magazine for my personal style.  One of the questions was regarding my personal style motto. My answer was “Confidence is your best accessory so OWN it and never apologize.”  But it’s not that easy right??? We all have self doubt and are our own worst critic.  Not to mention we spend WAY to much time worrying about what others think and not enough time tapping into our own intuition and personal energy. 

This month I’m challenging you to be easy on yourself.  Look in the mirror and say out loud “I AM BEAUTIFUL.”  Ignore that little (or sometimes very loud) internal voice telling you otherwise.  Focus on the best qualities, things that you love about yourself, and ignore everything else.  Get up, get dressed in something that makes you feel gorgeous, style your hair, put on makeup and walk out the door with your head held high because: how you feel about yourself will definitely affect your energy, how others receive you, and just basically your entire day.

One of the things that is really important to me is that I connect with my Instagram followers and have them get to know me and everything I’m about.  I want to be real, authentic and educational as well.  Since this is my first blog I will tell you a little about myself.  If you have checked out my newly launched website (yay and thank you!), you might have already read about how I got started in the styling/production industry.  For those of you that haven't (please do) , here is a recap. 

How it All Began…

I have always loved fashion and in my younger years worked in retail stores and on the Upper East side of Manhattan styling many wealthy women and socialites.  Many of these clients would literally beg me to travel with them to dress them on their luxurious vacations (I probably should have taken them up on that).  Then, for a few years, I sold out a bit and worked in Human Resources because I was paid alot more money (yes fashion is glam but it doesn’t always pay the bills).  I did that until it was time to have my babies and do the “mommy thing”.   Which I LOVED btw but since I’m a “doer,” I was a bit unsettled. 

Fast forward to my two children heading off to school and I was left with a burning desire to do SOMETHING.  That is when fate and the almighty Universe stepped in, and an amazing producer with whom I had recently started a friendship. She had recently re-entered the dating world and was going on a trip with a man she had been seeing.  She asked me if I would style her from my closet (in other words borrow my clothes).  I was pretty much like “UMMMMM ok……” because I didn’t know her that well, and I have a “thing” with lending out my clothes – not to mention she wore a different size than me.  So I pulled out some clothes that would work for her, taught her how to wear nude heels to elongate her legs, lent her a bra that works wonders for lifting, and sent her on her way.  Not only did she end up dating this man for many many years, but she said that I needed to get into wardrobe styling for production, and she hooked me up with the current stylist she was using as a “must-hire assistant.”  I can guarantee you that stylist wasn’t to thrilled.  Six months later I styled my first shoot as the head stylist and the rest is pretty much history.

The Journey Continues

Now I want to take you on my journey!  Follow my blog, shop my looks, ask me style questions!  I have so much to share and would love to hear from my followers anything they want to know as well.  Feel free to reach out on my website or Instagram.  Can’t wait for our new virtual friendship to begin!!!

My current summer obsession is pink!!!  I have always been a lover of red (huge confidence color). Below are some of my selects which you can shop directly on my LiketoKnow.it link.  If. you are unsure how that works, again reach out to me, I will walk you though it personally.

much love,

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