Pass the Baton

The “Ah-Ha!” Moment

Have you ever noticed that some memories stick out in your brain so vividly while others seem to get lost in some big black hole? I have one particular memory that has driven much of my own personal style decisions, as well as helped guide me with styling my clients over the age of forty. 

About ten years ago, I was sitting in my car in a parking lot of a popular shopping center. For whatever reason, I took particular notice of a teenage daughter and her mother walking by. At the time, my own daughter, Mia, was about seven years old. 

This teen girl was dressed age appropriate and was completely on-trend. Everything about her look was spot on and I was drawn to her style (not because I had any interest in wearing what she had on but because I love seeing young girls take such an interest in fashion). And then, BAM, my eyes went to her mother walking alongside her. She was dressed in the same fashion style as her daughter, but on her…it was just ALL WRONG. Why would this mother want to look and dress like her young daughter? I placed my head to my steering wheel and said out loud “Dear God, please let me know when it is time to pass the baton to my daughter and please make sure I do it”.  

Trends Are Ageless

I was recently asked to speak on a fashion trend segment for Bella TV (Bella Magazine, which is based out of New York and LA).  I was told I would be given two models and asked to style them to showcase current summer fashion trends. Two models — Hmmmm — with so many different trends, I felt it wasn’t going to really give the viewers the full picture (even if I showed the two but spoke about the other trends.)  So, I presented a different idea to them.  

What if I had two models, one in her twenties and one in her late forties/early fifties, and I chose ONE trend. I would then present the viewers with how the same trend can be worn by different age groups, with a simple tweaking, to make it age appropriate!  Because the reality is, I believe that almost all of the trends CAN and SHOULD be worn by all ages. However, we must be careful when choosing what aspect of the trend we are going to incorporate into our wardrobe thereby avoiding those that make us look like we are hanging on, for dear life, to our youth!    


Just Tweak It

Let me clarify. I’m a huge believer that age is just a meaningless number (unless you choose to attach yourself to it). Women today are taking much better care of themselves. Fifty today doesn’t look like fifty did 30 years ago. Botox, fillers, personal trainers have enabled us to stretch out our youth. Which is great…don’t get me wrong. I’m sure my botox injections could have bought me a new car by now.  

My personal mission is for women to embrace aging gracefully. That means not throwing in the towel and continuing to really care about how they look and dress. Just because you hit the big “5-0” doesn’t mean it is time to ditch your leather pants for housecoat. It means changing what you are pairing those leather pants with (think bye-bye belly shirt or shredded graffiti t-shirt). 

Basically, if my now 17 year old daughter, Mia, is wearing it — then I am NOT. Case in point. Mia wears ripped jeans. I mean REALLY, REALLY ripped jeans that basically with one sneeze could easily become shorts. If I put on those same ripped jeans, I would look like a 49-year women trying to look 20.  But I still LOVE the ripped jeans trend. So, can I still wear them? YES, I just buy mine with a lot less rips. Mia would style this look with a super cute cropped belly shirt (and rightfully so because she is young and super cute). I, on the other hand, will pair mine with a fun, flirty blouse or perhaps a camisole with a beautifully tailored jacket. It’s just a change of a shirt style but I’m still on trend and don’t look like someone forgot to tell me I graduated High school in 1988!

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The Bottom Line

I stand by my confidence is key in all aspects of your life. I want every single one of you to really care about fashion, enjoy it and make it a priority in your life. One of the first impressions people have of you is how you are put together and dressed BEFORE you get the chance to open your mouth and speak. And again, I will stress this, we are gorgeous at every age and for me personally I have never felt better. I’m definitely not trading in my leather leggings anytime soon, but I’ve definitely made some minor revisions in my clothing selections now the time has come for me TO PASS THE BATON to my daughter.

Much Love,

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Bonus Fashion Tips

Here are a few of my DO’S AND DON’T’S for over 40. You can shop these looks and several more on my

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DON’T give up on stores just because you think they focus on youth. There is always a way to pull together a younger trend.
DO hit up stores like Zara and Topshop. Spend less money on your trendy fashion pieces and invest more in your closet staples, shoes and handbags.

DO step outside your comfort zone, dress every day as if you are going to run into your best friend (or worst enemy) and kick all your confidence into high gear because you are AWESOME.